“ ... I will cause the evil beast to cease out of land;
My people will dwell safely in wilderness,
And sleep in woods.
I will cause the shower to come down in seasons;
There shall be showers of blessings!” - Eze.34: 25, 26
This promise is for the chosen people of
“He has made everything beautiful in his time” - Ecc.3:11
All these things will happen in His right time. Nothing will happen even a second before that time. Can you believe this? : In the fishermen’s story in Luke 5:5 “they toiled all night and got nothing” .They tried all night, but couldn’t get, not even one fish. Poor fishermen! We have been in such situations. We have, indeed, worked / desired / needed / anticipated / yearned for a very small blessing (like one small fish-which all your friends have….all your neighbors have), but have got nothing... really disappointing indeed. It is a normal & natural human reaction to feel depressed after toiling hard to get a specific thing from god and go empty handed. Nothing worked. In case of fishermen, they worked in sea which is cold at night....no blankets to cover them…wild waves would have tried to engulf them…there would have been no light…just imagine the situation, if they couldn’t catch any fish! ….it should have been a devastating experience; especially the labour which produced no fruit…
But once his times start, the blessing will shower down from heaven in seasons. “.. In seasons….” means the blessing will continue even if you don’t want more blessing. Just pay attention to the following verse and see how great his blessing is: “…filled both the ships, so that they began to sink!” (Luke 5:7).If they were to catch some more fish (blessing), they might sink! Friends, we have been in such situation, but Life doesn’t end there. In that right time, i.e., when you are disappointed, tired, can’t make a step forward, JESUS will appear and the blessing will pour out like the rain….even if you want the blessings to stop, it won’t!