Tuesday, June 15, 2004

God is good all the time!

My friend you can trust GOD, today.

He is good and

He is good all the time.

But as you focus on his GOODNESS,

Don’t miss his GREATNESS.

He is unparalleled and unprecedented.

He is the centre piece of excellence.

He is the superlative of all excellence.

He is the sum of human greatness.

He is the source of divine grace.

His name is the only one able to save and

His blood is the only power able to cleanse.

His ears are open to the sinner’s call.

His hand is quick to lift the fallen soul.

He is the eternal lover of us all…everyone….

And you can trust HIM.

He supplies mercy for the struggling soul.

He sustains the tempted and the tired.

He sympathizes with the wounded and the broken.

He strengthens the weak and the weary.

He guards and guides the wanderers.

He heals the sick and cleanses the leper.

He delivers the captives, defends the helpless and

Binds up the broken-hearted.

He is for you and

You can trust HIM.

JESUS is the key to all knowledge.

He is the well-spring of wisdom.

He is the door way of deliverance and the pathway of peace.

He is the road way of righteousness.

He is the high way of holiness.

He is the gate way to glory.

And yes, you can trust HIM.

JESUS is enough.

He is the all sufficient KING.

He is the KING of the Jews.

He is the KING of Israel.

He is the KING of righteousness.

He is the KING of the ages.

He is the KING of heaven.

He is the KING of glory.

He is the KING of KINGS and

He is the LORD of LORDS.

And, yes, again, you can trust HIM

And rejoice in this, my friend.

He is a sovereign GOD.

There is no gauge to measure his limitless love.

There is no barrier to block his blessings outpoured.

He is enduringly strong and

He is entirely SUPREME.

He is eternally STEADFAST.

He is immortally FAITHFUL.

He is imperially POWERFUL and

He is impartially MERCIFUL.

He is JESUS, GOD’S son and

You can trust HIM.

I wish I could more accurately describe HIM.

But he is indescribable.

He is incomprehensible.

He is invincible.

He is irresistible.

You can not leave HIM, can you?

You can not live without HIM.

But Pharisees couldn’t stand HIM,

but found they couldn’t stop Him.

Pilot couldn’t halt Him.

Harod couldn’t kill Him.

Death couldn’t conquer Him.

And the grave couldn’t hold Him.

My friends, He is the Alpha and Omega.

The first and the Last…

He is the God of the future…

And the God of the past…

And we rise to speak to His name…

Again… and… again… Jesus… Jesus

He is Jesus…

He is far us…

And we can Trust Him…


By courtesy of: Don Moein