Thursday, January 25, 2007

Overcomer's Prayers !

Dear Father,
I thank you for the precious blood Jesus shed on the cross. Thank you for giving us the mighty name of Jesus. THANK YOU FOR THE AUTHORITY YOU HAVE DELEGATED TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN JESUS AND THE GREAT SACRIFICE HE MADE ON CALVARY. Father, I take upon myself the divine authority to claim and possess all you have granted me. I obey your commands and choose to forgive my offenders. I rebuke every enemy that stood against me-- my body, mind and spirit. I demolish every stronghold that is built in my body-- in every organ and cell, and the spirit of fear and the spirit of infirmity and claim back God's promises of life, abundant life with perfect health and strength. I appropriate Caleb's inheritance of Hebron-- spiritual and material, health and long life that is God's Rhema for my household. Halleluiah. Amen.

Prayer 1
Father, through the blood of Jesus and His mighty name, you have given me the divine authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the powers of darkness. I praise and thank you for that. I obey your commands and choose to forgive my offenders. So now I rebuke the enemy and claim all my lost territories. I demolish the strongholds built in my body, soul and spirit. Thus I claim my divine rights in faith and praise you. Amen.

Prayer 2
Father, through the blood of Calvary and the power in the mighty name of Jesus, I’ve got power to trample on scorpions, snakes, and to overcome all the powers of the enemy. So in my authority I rebuke the spirit of sadness that has found a stronghold in my spirit. I claim the mantle of joy that is my inheritance in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Prayer 3
Dear Father, I thank you for the blood that Jesus shed on the cross and the power of His name. You have given divine authority in Christ Jesus to overcome the powers of darkness. You have given me the spirit of power, love and sound mind. So I trample upon the spirit of fear of people and the spirit of shame and timidity. I choose to demolish that stronghold in His name by the power delegated to me and take up my inheritance. I am strong in my body, soul and spirit. Amen.

Father, By the precious blood and the mighty name of your son Jesus Christ, you have delegated to me authority and power to rebuke the powers of darkness and to overcome the enemy. I praise you for it and I realize my true position / identity in Christ. I have chosen to obey your commands and to forgive my offenders. Now I claim every inch of my God-given territory in my soul, spirit, and body. No evil power can touch any part of my person or stay in any stronghold inside me. I claim every blessing God gave my in birth and every thing I have developed in course of time through hard work. They are mine. Amen.

Prayer 5
Father, I thank you for Jesus. He is our bondage- breaker. His blood sets us free. Thank you for the power we have in His blood. Thank you for the divine authority you gave us thru His blood and His name. I break all bondages that have held my family and me in so many areas. Your power is limitless. You are our Sovereign God. I keep my people and myself under the cover of Jesus’ name and your mighty wings. I break open for us a new, bright future. Praise God. Hallelujah, Amen.

Prayer 6
Father, I have chosen to forgive all my offenders and myself. Now I come up against the powers of darkness that have erected strongholds in my body, mind and spirit –in my thinking and belief system. Through the blood shed on the cross and the mighty name of Jesus, I have the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and overcome the powers of the enemy. I take hold of every stronghold and every blessing God has assigned to my children and me. Strongholds are down; we always pull them down in His Amen.

Prayer 7
Dear Father, Thank you for the blood of Jesus and the authority given me through Jesus’ name. So in my authority, I rebuke the Spirit of sadness that has found a stronghold in my spirit. I claim the mantle of joy that is my inheritance in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Prayer 8
Father, I believe in the power of Jesus’ name and the blood He shed on the cross. His blood sanctifies me. It is the blood of eternal covenant. Because of His blood I am granted divine power and divine weapons of incomprehensible valour. I thank you, father, for the place of honour attributed to me. I acknowledge my position in Christ with gratitude. I choose to obey your commands willingly and take back all my blessings lost and stolen by the enemy. Now I claim my inheritance – the power of my memory, creativity and fluent speech….. They are mine. God granted them to me. No evil can touch or take hold of it forever. I take them back for the glory of God. The enemy has no hold on them now. I put His blood on every part of my body, soul, and spirit. Amen.

Prayer 9
Father, I thank you for the blood of Jesus. I thank you for His mighty name. I thank you for the authority given to me in His name. I praise you, God, my father for adopting me into His family. I belong to you. Praise God. Now in faith I claim all I have lost………. My memory, retention, my health, … In His name I break every bondage. In His authority I demolish strongholds in my body and soul. I regain all my father granted me. The enemy cannot hold them again. Halleluiah. Amen.

Prayer 10
Father, I thank you for the precious blood of Jesus. Thank you for the name of Jesus you gave me. I have come closer to you now all because of His name and His blood. You have given me the authority to trample on the enemy. I demolish all strongholds built in my thoughts, my emotions and in my will and demolish every weapon forged against me in the precious name of Jesus. I rebuke the spirit of infirmity and fear. I claim every inch of my inheritance promised to my in your Word. What you have promised is mine. I have become an over comer in His name. Halleluiah. Amen.

Prayer 11
Father, through the precious blood and the mighty name of Jesus, I take upon myself the divine authority, promised to me in your Word, to trample on serpents and scorpions and all evil powers. Nothing has the power to harm us, because we belong to Him and Him alone. All praise be unto Him. I worship Him. I demolish any stronghold built against me in my own spirit—sense of emptiness, boredom, vacantness, and bafflement and in my soul-- my memory, sharpness of mind, speech, retention, and any weakness or infirmity of body. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Halleluiah!

Father God, I love you because you loved me first; not only that, you have loved me non-stop, continuously, consistently, everlastingly, unfailingly, ungrudgingly, and every moment of the day. You have needed me, Father, so much. I was worthless, you made me worthy, so worthy that I have now begun to feel my worth. I had no esteem of my own. But you have esteemed me so much, having invested in me all the rich heavenly blessings in Christ. I had no significance attached to my person. Life was against me. But you made me significant, giving me people, works and projects, and subduing all evil spirits below my feet. Nothing can harm me. The spirit of fear or the spirit of infirmity or (------name yours) has been defeated through the blood of Jesus Christ. This is what the word of God says of me and I firmly believe in this.


Special Thanks to: Mrs Caroline Jebadurai

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